The DNA of a
Sales Superstar
The DNA of a Sales Superstar
There are a lot of books out in the market that give expert advice and help on enhancing your sales skills; be it about prospecting, cold-calling, presentation or on closing. But few provide insights about the identity of the salesperson.
The term “Sales Identity” used in the book is defined as what makes an individual the salesperson that they are. Their identity in this sense consists of what makes them unique as an individual and different from others. It is the way they see or define themselves and the network of values and convictions that structure their life and their sales persona.
If you are a sales professional, entrepreneur, business-owners or play some form of customer facing sales role, this book is written specifically for you.
The content of this book is a result of years of observing and working with thousands of sales professionals, as well as managing countless of sales development projects with leading brands all over Asia.
The DNA of a Sales Superstar embodies a sales person’s essential characteristics, influential persona and high impact behavioral habits needed to become a Sales Superstar. More importantly, it takes a complex but important topic, and breaks it to understandable and practical elements that you can immediately use in your daily sales effort.